Investment Process

When a business plan is received it is reviewed by at least one member of the investment staff. The plan is assessed to determine its compatibility with our investment criteria. It is important to note that Mr. Torres works with a team of advisors when evaluating applications. Do not contact Mr. Torres directly when submitting an application, as this will not increase chances of approval (and may be cause for denial).

If your application makes it past the initial review, it will undergo a higher level of scrutiny as the investment staff analyzes the company and its industry. At this stage the company’s management will be invited to meet with members of our investment staff. If we are sufficiently interested after the initial review and presentation, we may then present a broad outline of the type of investment we would consider making.

Provided the parties continue to be interested in arranging an investment, we will begin an in-depth operational and financial due diligence of the company. After concluding our analysis, we may then be in a position to present and negotiate a term sheet specifically addressing issues such as the size of our investment, the investment instrument, the ownership percentage of the company it would represent, voting and control provisions and board representation. Our investment would be conditioned upon satisfactory conclusion of due diligence and final approval by the firm’s Investment Committee. After approval by our Investment Committee, legal documentation commences, due diligence concludes, and, presuming everything is in order, funding occurs.